A non-profit organization serving spiritual, educational and social needs through community based programs and services
About Elder, Tammy Bryant
The Pastor: As a pastor, she’s learned the art of love on a level far beyond her intellectual ability thought possible. She understands what it means to be graced for purpose. She understands what it means to oversee a group of people while being seen and secured by the Savior. She teaches not only what others need to learn, but what she herself needs to learn as well. She promises to not only pastor, but protect and promote the unity of the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Preacher: As a preacher she heralds the Word of God in ways that make her audience not only see her passion, but feel her heart to heal nations with her compassion, her convictions, and her challenge to others to see and experience the God of the Bible in everyday life. Her desire is we all know His sovereignty, and His saving power to forgive sin, and save souls!
The Person: Before the preacher or pastor there’s the person Ms. Tammy Bryant, the daughter of James and Rutha M. Brown, born in the small town of Camilla, GA. The sister of James Brown, Jr., the mother of Frederick Quimbley, Jr. and Gerald Griffin. She’s the niece, the aunt, the grandmother, the mother-in-law, the entrepreneur, the author, the caretaker, the educator, the mentor, the encourager, the counselor, the motivational speaker, the friend, and the fearfully and wonderfully creation of God. She loves life and adventure, singing, reading, movies, meeting new people, and loves seeing people in their happy place.
Tammy Q. Bryant
Founder/Executive Director